Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Regarding duties of PTI/DPE/Physical Education teacher as Judges/Selector/Refree in State School Tournaments 2015-16.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Change in Cooking Cost under MDM

Edit DOB and Admission No. on MIS Portal

Keeping in view the requests from many schools regarding edit facility to change DOB and Admission No. on MIS Portal. It is informed you that edit facility of DOB and Admission No. is made available Under Student Admission "Edit DOB and Admission No.". Therefore you are requested to do the needful asap.
Note: Edit DOB and Admission No is not available on Edit Student Profile.

MIS Subject Change Dates extended...

Keeping in view the requests from many schools about extending date of change in stream/subject on MIS Portal, the facility shall now be available upto 15.08.2015.
  • Subjects can be changed for class Tenth till   15-Aug-2015
  • Stream can be changed for class Twelfth till   15-Aug-2015
  • Subjects can be changed for class Twelfth till   15-Aug-2015

Disclaimer: The instructions issued by Board of School Education are not be superseded by this facilities. The facility extended only to facilitate the school to make their records accurate on the portal on the basis of exercise carried out by them in their records prior to the dates prescribed by BOSEH.

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