Minutes of the Meeting Meeting held on 18-1-2014 at 4pm under the chairmanship of the W/PSSE regarding the preparedness of the CRP -2014-2015 As per the discussions held in the meeting, a chart has been finalized. The same is given as under:- Logistics for CRP S. No. Task Deadline Person/Institution Responsible 1 Revision of Content Class I-V 31/1/2014 Ms Kalpna Sharma Class VI-VII 31/1/2014 Class IX-XII 31/1/2014 SCERT – Director SCERT - Separate class wise - subject specific groups to work on individual subjects. Instruction Manuals (I-V, VI-VIII, IX-XII) 31/1/2014 To be done by the person/institution responsible for the Revision of Content 2 Shiksha Setu 31/1/2014 Mr Parmod / Mr Gurmeet to work with Ms Kalpana Sharma 3 Admission Forms 31/1/2014 Mr Parmod in consultation with Ms Pinki 4 Letter from the Financial Commissioner 25/1/2014 Mr Parmod 5 Designing 7/2/2014 Mr Raj Kumar Jha – MR. Alok Verma to coordinate. Designing to be done for Books# and Calendar. 6 Tender for Printing Advertisement 25/1/2014 PMU – Total procurements to be clearly listed. Material to be printed include Shiksha Setu, CRP Modules, Admission Forms, Teacher Diary, Classroom Calendar, 5 Books (See Footnote). Placement of Orders 28/2/2014 PMU Delivery to Block Officers 15/3/2014 PMU – Refer to Distribution and Circulation below. Procurement of two books from NBT as resource material for teachers (PER SCHOOLS ONE SET IS TO BE GIVEN) PMU - Toto Chain and Divya Swapn 7 Distribution and Circulation 15/3/2014 To be done by the printer block wise. This information to be mentioned specifically in the tender. Printer to mention specific individual school IDs to be mentioned on the package. 8 Training and Workshops Workshops and Training - BRPs and ABRCs 7/3/2014 Mr Manoj Sharma and Mr Manoj Kaushik, SCERT Teacher Training – BRPs Ongoing from 8/3/2014 till 28/3/2014 BRPs / Programme chalk out by Mr Manoj Sharma and Mr Manoj Kaushik, SCERT Community Mobilisation and Pravesh Ut sav Same pattern as last year. Ongoing till 31/3/2014 Mr Parmod School Heads workshops at the Divisional Level/ Media mobilization 7/3/2014 Mr Parmod and Mr Manoj Kaushik Workshop s for Block and District Level officers / designing of instructions for the district level functionaries – DPCs/ DEEOs /DEOs / BEEOs/ BEOs and others 7/3/2014 Mr Parmod Other Decisions Taken During the Meeting: 1. As part of CCE, summer project work to be given to the students and modules for the same to be prepared by the pedagogy team. 2. A review of Science Clubs meeting will be organized on 24th January, 2014. The Science Clubs team may be used by the Science Lab and science faculty to develop the projects for summer project work. 3. The leading person on every task needs to form a four member team to coordinate all activities related to the task. 4. The Director SCERT will deploy the teams / faculty as per the details given above. 5. All the concerned leading persons will also take the administrative and financial approval for their concern areas from the competent authority.