Sunday, 10 March 2013

Training in SCERT from 26-02-2013 to 02-03-2013

Training Key Leanings:-
Program Coordinator:-  RAMESH  SHARMA   (Senior Specialist )

Date- 26-02-2013  Tuesday
Trainers:-             1. Surinder Singh Banger (Information Technology Officer)
2. Varun  Agrawal   (System Analysist )
3. Kalpna Sharma
1. Surinder Singh Banger (Information Technology Officer)
A.      Job Profile
B.      Stay in your School(Station).
C.      Instruction Conveyed to you Facebook are not authentic.
D.      History of Education Department of Haryana.
E.       Mandate  of the Department.
F.       Goals Strategy and Strategic.
G.     Mission , Objective and Solutions.
H.      Central Flagship Schemes.
I.        Stake Holders.
J.        Library Function
K.      Incentive Schemes
                                      I.      Rajiv Gandhi  Scholarship
                                    II.      Punjabi Language Scholarship
                                  III.      Cash Award Scheme of SC students.( 1 to 8 and 9 to 12)
                                  IV.      Monthly Incentives  ( 1 to 8 th and 9 to 12)
                                    V.      1 to 12 BPL/BC_A Incentives
                                  VI.      National Talent Scholarship
L.       Student Monitoring System
M.    School Nurture
N.     Information And Communication Scheme in School Education.
O.     Duties of   School.

2. Varun  Agrawal   (System Analysist ).
A.      ICT & LABs
B.      Role and Responsibilities of LA
C.      Types of Lab:-
                                 i.            EDUSAT
                               ii.            CORE LAB
                              iii.            M/S NICT
                             iv.            M/S HCL
                               v.            M/S Everonn

3.Kalpna Sharma

A.      RMSA
B.      SMDC

Date- 27-02-2013  Wednesday
 1. Sandeep Panchar (RTE)
2.  Pramod Kumar Sharma (Programe officer RTE)
 3. Raj Kumar Gupta (APC-  SSA Gurgaon) and Shakshi (Programmer)

1. Sandeep Panchar (RTE)
A. Mid Day Meal:-  History, and Details

2. Pramod Kumar Sharma (Programe officer RTE)
A.      Admission under RTE
B.      Govt. Duties.
C.      Infrastructure Details.
D.      Admin Process in School.
E.       No Physical Punishment and Mental  Harassment.
F.       CCE
G.     Child Right Act. 2006.
H.      SMC/SMDC.

3. Raj Kumar Gupta (APC-  SSA Gurgaon)  and Shakshi (Programmer)
A.UDISE  Performa

Date- 28-02-2013  Thursday
1.       Akhil Goel  (C-DAC)
2.       Karan Sidan (C-DAC)

A.      Complete Knowledge of BOSS
B.      Open Source
C.      Terminal Commands
D.      Installation
E.       N-Computing

Date- 01-03-2013  Friday and 02-03-2013 Saturday
1.       Sudhir Sharma
2.       Mukesh Batra
3.       Preeti Parshad
4.       Shrey Joshi
5.       Pankaj Sharma
6.       Rajiv Malik

1.     Sudhir Sharma
A.      Role perception & clarity
B.      Communication & Letter Writing
C.      Personal Development
D.      Change Management

2.     Mukesh Batra

A.   Role & Responsibilities
B.   Peronal & Skill Profiling
C.   Training Feed Back
D.   School Profile

3.       Pankaj Sharma

         A. Overview of DSE

4.     Shrey Joshi

A.      Hardware of Computer
B.       Typing Test
C.      Overview of Essential Technical Skills

5.       Preeti Parshad

        A. Group Activity.
        B. Play on IOLM and Principal.

6.       Rajiv Malik

       A. Group Activity.
       B.Condition on Technical Problem

Dr. Manohar (Research Team ):-
Feedback Of Training.

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